New body to prevent unwanted BEE Practices | News | Small Business Connect

A NEW commission is to be established to curb fronting and other unwanted BEE practices.

According to spokesperson for the Department of Trade and Industry, Sidewell Medupe, a BEE commission will be set up to curb fronting and allow people to report on BEE noncompliances.

“At the moment we don’t have any monitoring of BEE. This Bill seeks to ensure compliance with BEE,” says Medupe.

The purpose of the commission will be to solely monitor “fronting” and the commissioner will receive complaints relating to “fronting”.

It will also be tasked with putting corrective measures in place and in some instances even prosecute guilty parties.

Medupe says the Bill, which was passed in the National Assembly on 20 June 2013, now needs to be approved by the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and then signed into law by the president.

“Only once the president signs the Bill will a commission be set up and the necessary processes will be followed to find a commissioner,” says Medupe.

He was hopeful that a commissioner would be appointed before the end of  the year.

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