Facetime with thousandth fan

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Trust Sibuyi, founder of Svue, is our 1 000th Facebook fan.

Small Business Connect is very useful and informative to business owners, especially for those who cannot afford to buy expensive business magazines.

So says Trust Sibuyi, the 1 000th person to like the Small Business Connect Facebook page and founder of local business Svue.

While, Sibuyi initially started in business with the aim of offering accounting and bookkeeping services, he quickly expanded his business horizons into other sectors.

“I have a passion for bio-science and this led me to create a moisturising gel for oil control on the skin for a challenge set by The Innovation Hub,” says Sibuyi.

He entered a challenge set by the Gauteng technology incubator which seeks to find solutions to problems faced by well-known businesses.

Sibuyi is currently part of a list of four finalists. At 28 years old, Sibuyi has big plans to one day grow his business into a conglomerate.

Something else Sibuyi is also passionate about is reading about small businesses. He says he regularly buys newspapers and magazines aimed at small business owners to stay updated with the latest in the industy.

However, since picking up the first copy of Small Business Connect in October last year, while visiting the National Youth Development Agency, Sibuyi has become a regular reader of the newspaper.

“I enjoy reading the newspaper because I can relate to the business owners featured in the newspaper. Their stories show me that there is a support system for black entrepreneurs like me,” says Sibuyi.

After an article in Small Business Connect calling for business owners to like the Facebook page and access more information online, Sibuyi responded by liking the page and becoming the 1 000th person to do so. At the time of going to print, the page was on 1 059 likes. Thank you to all who assisted in growing the page to this number. Here’s to another 1 000 likes!

Community, NYDA, Trust Sibuyi

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