Yho! It is December already, where did the time go? A number of us are probably asking ourselves this question.
Yes, 2014 is done and there is nothing we can do about it.
December is a time where some of us reflect and measure the progress achieved this year against the plans made at the beginning of the year. Did we have a good year this time around?
For some industries December is a short month and business enters a low season. Whatever was planned and did not happen will probably be shelved for next year, unless you are one of those people who believe that it is not over until the fat lady sings.
Then you still have 20 days to perform your magic. Some of us have had a good year and the month of December is the time to go on holiday and celebrate the good work done and also recharge for the next year.
For other industries December is a high season characterised by less sleep and hard work.
This is the time where some of the losses incurred earlier this year have to be recouped. If you are operating in one of these industries this is your last chance to go out there and finish 2014 on a high note.
To all our loyal readers and friends we hope that we have inspired you this past year to become a better entrepreneur and also trust that the advice given by our contributing experts in the different editions we published was useful for your businesses.
This month’s edition is no different. A number of business owners have been featured in this edition who are riding a wave of success due to their courage and determination to succeed.
As usual there is something to learn or to inspire us in their stories.
We’ve also compiled a full-page feature for you on how to thrive during the holidays even if this is not your busiest time. We hope that you will enjoy reading this edition as you normally do.
We at Small Business Connect wish you happy holidays and hope that you will be safe on the roads.
Let us all return in 2015 energised and in good spirit to conquer the world.
Gcobani Ndabeni
Managing Director