CIPC online services upgraded

imagesLike many organisations in the digital age, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has moved to offer subscribers and businesses a host of online services.

As a result, the CIPC currently offer these online services:

  •  Registrations as a customer: Provides information on how to register as a customer (precursor to any filings with the CIPC), depositing the relevant prescribed fee, calculating the prescribed fee and filing annual returns.
  • Annual Returns: This is a step-by-step information guide that shows you how to register and calculate your annual return fee, using the site’s AR Fee calculator, deposit the annual return fee. It also shows you how you can either make an electronic deposit (EFT), make a payment through ABSA bank and how to reset your password.
  • Company registration: Log on using code and password/nameeservation/ proposed name.
  • Online trademark registration: This is a new online service, only introduced to the site in September 2013. The CIPC introduced an electronic filing facility (e-filing) for the lodging of new trademark applications. This innovative service offers two options for the electronic filing of new trademark application: CUBA Desktop Client for filing of bulk applications, and Web Client, for single application submissions.

The CIPC says it would like to see a “rapid migration” to e-filing in this area, as it has phased out manual stamping of documents as acknowledgement of receipt.

CIPC commissioner Astrid Ludin says: “What is of particular importance to the CIPC is that individuals can directly e-lodge patent applications not requiring representation by a patent attorney with the CIPC.”

  • For more information on the CIPC and the services it offers, go to

Astrid Ludin, business registration, , e-filing, , registration, ,

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