Get info from poster

Garreth Bloor

Garreth Bloor

A business tool recently launched by The City of Cape Town will see business owners now have on-hand access to useful contact information of business support organisations.

The Business Development Support Poster, is an enhancement of the City’s Activa online initiative which is focused on development of entrepreneurial support and linking business owners to these services via the website’s portal.

According to Councillor Gareth Bloor, mayoral committee member economic, developmental and spatial planning at The City of Cape Town, the poster provides clear and concise information to users about the location, contact details and services of almost 60 enterprise development organisations in the Cape Town metropole.

It is a useful tool for prospective and existing entrepreneurs providing them with information to guide them in their search for support.

According to Lavendra Naidoo, manager at The Business Place in Cape Town, the poster is aimed at those business owners who often do not have access to the electronic portal on the Activa website.

“We want to provide information to business owners and recognise that some may not have access to the website,” says Naidoo.

Naidoo says the portal and poster does not only provide information on government agencies, but also of business advice and consultancy services.

He says the poster will be available at local libraries, municipal offices and business support organisations.

Garreth Bloor, Lavendra Naidoo, opportunity, , The Business Place, The City of Cape Town,

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