Procurement development offers growth

AFTER participating in the 2012 Smart Procurement Expo, Lesedi Rakgokong, the MD of Puisano Telecom – a Telkom supplier – enthusiastically explained how it benefited from Telkom’s enterprise development support.

“We made use of every minute we spent on the exhibition floor to market ourselves. Our interaction with fellow exhibitors has re-ignited our passion and drive to co-operate with each other on projects and to share expertise,” he said.

Buti Kgobisa, CEO of AFT Optiroad, had a similar experience. “The initiative has certainly helped us to market our company and to open us up to new opportunities. We are already processing an order from one of the other companies hosted by Telkom,” he said.

In addition to sponsoring suppliers to exhibit their products and services at the Smart Procurement Expo 2012, Telkom’s preferential procurement strategy is supported by various other enterprise development initiatives; these include:

  • Regional information sessions covering topics, such as “empowering business with success basics”.
  • An ITC incubation programme facilitated by The Bandwidth Barn.
  • Professional supplier quality management support.
  • Entrepreneurial and technical training.

Visit Telkom’s website at

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