Suppliers expand with Shell

Shellgasstationlosthills 300x192 Suppliers expand with Shell

Shell SA targets local suppliers for both the local and international markets through its two-year Supplier Development Programme.

Businesses in the oil and gas industry who are accepted into Shell South Africa’s Supplier Development Programme stand the chance of being part of the multi-national’s global supply chain.

Annelien Herringer, procurement manager at Shell SA, says the opportunities for those who show they have what it takes, can be endless.

Suppliers do, however, first have to qualify to be incorporated on the Shell SA Supplier Development Programme.

Herringer says through its contracting and procurement division, Shell SA dispatches procurement specialists which buy from thousands of oil and gas supply companies locally and abroad.

This means by registering for the programme through Shell SA’s online supplier registration process – the Supplier Qualification System (SQS) – a supplier stands the chance to be selected for the two-year business development programme.

Registration is by invitation only, so a business is required to meet the expected requirements to be considered for the programme. SQS forms part of the internal process used to pre-qualify suppliers for upcoming contracts.

Shell sells motor and machinery fuel internationally and operates in more than 80 countries worldwide, with a similar programme managed in Russia, Canada and Nigeria, among others.

To qualify to become a supplier interested parties must also submit their company registration and shareholding certificates, financial statements, tax clearance and BBBEE compliance certificates.

Through its on-going research for oil and gas reservations, Shell SA is already collaborating with entrepreneurs to help develop new oil and gas solutions.

One of these projects is a research technology co-operation agreement, allowing local suppliers to contribute to boosting oil and gas production.

Shell SA says it has spent millions of rands in sourcing products and services from local and global businesses.

The SQS registration process is managed by two external companies that source and invite eligible companies to join the programme on behalf of Shell SA.

The process excludes suppliers in the passenger airline, rail services, land sales, and government industries.

Interested companies outside of these industries can download the registration form and view the necessary criteria online.

To meet the requirements, suppliers must adhere to sustainable development principles and must be economically, environmentally and socially responsible.

Although it makes use of established, global suppliers, Shell says its aim is to buy primarily from local suppliers.

Herringer says this helps ensure adherence to the right standard of goods and services.

Throughout the programme participating businesses are exposed to both local and international supply chains.

Local suppliers are introduced to global suppliers, with the potential of expanding their businesses and shared experiences.

Under the programme, qualifying suppliers can expect to go through at least two registration phases aimed at determining whether a company is suitable to participate. On completion of the programme, successful suppliers have the potential to enter into further business deals and create global business relations.

  •  Go to to download registration forms and criteria.

Annelien Herringer, , Shell SA

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