Download a free workbook to help plan ahead so you don’t sweat the holidays

It is possible to enjoy the holidays, while also comming away with a plan.

It is possible to enjoy the holidays, while also coming away with a plan.

For many business owners who are fortunate enough to go on holiday, the vacation just brings stress, stress, and more stress! Instead of relaxing, this period leads to more worry!

But it is possible to enjoy the holiday period with your loved ones, while ring-fencing an hour or so for a few days during the time away when you record key thoughts on the important improvements you can make in your business. In the spirit of giving during the holiday period, Small Business Connect arranged for readers to get free copies of a workbook to use as guide in getting ready for the new year.

The workbook, ‘Don’t Sweat – The Serious Business Owner’s Guide To A Relaxed Holiday’, normally sells for R297.

According to author Christoff Oosthuysen, “the biggest benefit you’ll get from ‘Don’t Sweat!’ is that you’ll have a plan when you get home, which you can implement without spending the whole holiday working on it, or worrying about random thoughts you may have popping into your head.”

In using the guide, you’ll learn how to:
• Sharpen your business focus so that it serves as the vehicle through which you can achieve your life dreams.
• Increase your sales by allowing for seasonal changes in the benefits you offer your customers.
• Attracting more opportunities from existing and new customers in the periods before, during and after the holiday.
• Use a planning tool to achieve best results by systemising improvement of your business.


To get your free copy for online viewing, go to and enter the code “nosweat” to open the document.

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