Incubation benefits owner

6 Sam Sekgolea 224x300 Incubation benefits owner

Sam Sekgolea

Shanduka Black Umbrella’s incubation programme hopes to support small businesses, which generate around R3.6 billion in turnover and create 7 300 jobs over a 10-year period.

We spoke to business owner Sam Sekgolea, who has successfully been through the rigorous application.

What is your business name?

Timekeeper Holdings. We distribute safety wear to government and industries such as mining.

How long have you participated in the incubator programme and when will you exit?

I applied in January 2013 and was chosen to be part of the incubation programme in April 2013.

The duration is three years, so I will exit in 2016. However, if your business meets certain standards, such as employing more than four people, and proves to be sustainable, you can exit sooner.

How much did your turnover and profitability grow after joining?

My turnover has grown from R52 000 to R1.2 million a month.

What are the best benefits you got from the programme?

The best benefits to me are marketing strategy and the fact that events are hosted where we meet the right people.

What would you suggest to make the programme better?

I have learnt a lot since joining the programme, but we need more exposure to parastatals and the private sector.

, Sam Sekgolea, Shanduka Black Umbrellas

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