Follow correct process to become Sasol supplier

Every potential supplier or service provider has the right to apply to be listed on the Sasol supplier base, says Alex Anderson, group media manager of Sasol.

“However, there is an application and accreditation process to follow and goods and services should meet our technical quality standards and be competitively priced,” adds Anderson.

An application to become a potential Sasol supplier will be considered in accordance with, among other things, the following requirements:

  • The applicant provides Sasol with its detailed company profile describing its core business and capabilities. The applicant’s profile must include the full details of its owner/shareholders and directors;
  • The applicant holds a valid Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) certificate of at least level 5, issued by an accredited verification agent;
  • The applicant has been successfully operational for at least the last twelve months and that its latest financial statements have been audited by an independent auditor;
  • The applicant entity has never committed an act of insolvency and has never been finally or provisionally sequestrated/liquidated. The applicant has never made an arrangement or composition with or assignment in favour of its creditors;
  • Whether the applicant has been disqualified or de-listed as a potential supplier by any Sasol business unit and the reasons therefore; and
  • The applicant has never been in breach of contract of any previous/current contract it had/has with any Sasol company.
  • Anderson says Sasol has introduced two supplier development initiatives to nurture BEE suppliers for the company. The first one is the Siyakha Trust which funds small businesses.

The second supplier debelopment initiative is the ChemCity Business Incubator which develops new BEE suppliers and supports existing BEE suppliers through business development initiatives, technology improvements and funding. Since 2005, ChemCity has supported or established over 700 small businesses which have created over 12 500 direct jobs.

Last month, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies and Sasol group executive: Group Public Affairs, Mr Maurice Radebe, inaugurated the first building of the Sasol ChemCity Business Incubator in Sasolburg.

The R60 million facility forms part of the Department of Trade and Industry’s national campaign to roll out 200 business incubators.

Sasol, contributing R41 million, will develop and manage the facilities.

, Dr Rob Davies, , ,

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