Author Archive | Paul Hobden

Stay human with tech options

When Russian-born Vladimir Veselov and Ukranian Eugene Demchenko’s “supercomputer” duped computer users into thinking that it was a 13-year-old boy in June 2012, it became the first-ever computer to pass the Turing test. The test was devised in 1950 by computer science pioneer Alan Turing, who said that if a machine was indistinguishable from a… [Continue Reading]

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Go online for your inspiration

Attending conferences and networking events, I am often struck by the insights and inspiration that can be drawn from speakers and, indeed, the participants. As we move increasingly to an online world, there is significant inspiration to be found on the web. Things that will leave you feeling ready to go out and conquer another… [Continue Reading]

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Ten tech terms you should get to know

It almost always seems like those in the online world speak a completely different language to the rest of us. This often requires interpretation in order to fully understand, and to more importantly realise the impact the online world can have on one’s business. The list of terms is long and ever growing, but as… [Continue Reading]

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Benefits of cloud computing

Cloud computing has been a buzzword for a while now, but what does it mean. More importantly, what does it mean to small business owners and what are the benefits to these businesses? Cutting through the jargon, ‘the cloud’ simply refers to applications and services that are accessed through the internet. In doing so, both… [Continue Reading]

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Stay protected in the connected world

Everywhere you turn, people are on digital devices, connected to the internet, surfing away… but do they pay as much attention to their online security as they should? PAUL HOBDEN offers tips to stay protected online. There’s no denying that we live in a connected world and that the internet plays a vital role in… [Continue Reading]

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The basics of getting a business online

The power of online marketing allows small business to compete with the largest global businesses. For a long time, we have thought of small business as being local business, and local business as small businesses. However, this is no longer the case. Through the power of the internet small businesses can market themselves globally. Over… [Continue Reading]

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